
If you haven’t guessed by the title, this is all about Oprah!

Oprah came to Vancouver last week!! I was thrilled! My hubby bought tickets for me for Christmas so I took a good girlfriend with me. Oprah is sooo comfortable talking to 16,000 people! She said for her it’s like wearing her robe and slippers…that comfortable. Wowza. Anyway, her inspirational talk was about how to find a common thread in your life to finding your passion. I actually got notes from this talk and will share them with you at the end of this post 😉

But first…a trip down memory lane when I went to the Oprah show. Yup, I went to the Oprah show.

Oprah show sign with Jamie standing in front of it.

Now that the Oprah show is over, I can tell you {because before the show was off the air, I might be in big trouble or something…not really}. I made up a cool book club to get tickets to the show!

Jamie in front of the Harpo studio sign.

When Oprah announced she was leaving, I checked her website daily to see if tickets would ever become available. Then one Friday evening there were last minute cancellation seats available for anyone who had a book club and read the book Eat Pray Love. No, I did not have a book club. And no, I did not read Eat Pray Love. But I needed to see Oprah! She’s been my mentor forever!! So I quickly filled out the online form and named a couple of friends as my book club members and how the book has changed our lives. Oops. Shhhh.

{ that’s me making an ‘O’ symbol while waiting 
to get into the show}
Jamie making an O symbol with her hand.

So on Tuesday the following week I got a phone call from Chicago!
Would I be interested in coming to see the Oprah show next Wednesday? Yes!
Would I like to bring a friend? Yes!
Did I have arrangements to leave my son mid-week and travel clear across the country and would my friend be able to do the same?? {uumm}

I said absolutely yes to the caller.

{The ‘O’ Store}
The Oprah store showing a large building.
So one week later we were flying to Chicago for two nights and I was furiously reading Eat Pray Love on the plane, in the cabs, everywhere. Turns out we really didn’t need to read the book or have a book club so that put my mind at ease. It’s a fabulous book though and we even got to see a showing of the movie the night before the show! {You know how Oprah would say on her show that everyone in the audience has seen that particular movie they were discussing? Well she sends all her guests to the movie theatre the night before for a free movie screening!}
{sitting in Oprah’s original studio chair!}
Jamie sitting in Oprah's chair.
So I can cross that one off my bucket list! I saw Oprah and Julie Roberts and Elizabeth Gilbert on the Oprah show. Of course I couldn’t bring my camera in the studio 🙁
{yep, bought just a few souvenirs}
Standing outside the Oprah studios.

And might I add that I LOVED Chicago too. It’s super windy there just like they say. Notice my hair in every photo???

Jamie in Chicago on a bridge with the buildings behind her.
We shopped the Magnificent Mile and ate deep dish pizza. YUM.
So yes, my love for Oprah runs deep. Her talk was amazing, she is amazing. Enough already, I know.
Deep dish pizza on the table in a restaurant.
The Harpo studios sign.

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  1. I know this is a bit of an older post, but isn’t that an amazing experience?!! Definitely a bucket list item! I love the way you went about getting there too. 😉

    I’ve been to her show twice. (I live 2 hours away in Indiana) The first time, was before she did a total remodel of her studio, so the only gift shop was a little corner in the upstairs waiting area. That show was one of her give away shows called Only the Best. Only, it wasn’t one of her better give away shows. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world though. The 2nd time I went, I got to shop in the new gift shop like you did and sit in her old chair. That was when Dr. Oz announced he was getting his own show.

    1. Wow, Beth, that’s awesome!! You’ve been there twice?! So amazing. Too bad you didn’t get one of the Christmas shows but you did get to go to a giveaway show..so cool!
      Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh my gosh, I think my favorite part of this post is that cake. How cute are they?! Loved hearing all the juicy details about how you got to see Oprah; I love that you were willing to make up a book club in order to get to see her – – THAT’S dedication. 😉 I got to see Gwen Stefani on Oprah when I was in college; it was such a crazy cool experience. And it’s true – – Chicago gets the award for windiest city! Gotta love it nonetheless.

    1. Yes, super windy! haha. It’s true what they say. It was an amazing experience and I know, my hubby and son missed me sooo much!

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