
How to Declutter Your Closet (and Purge Your Clothes)

I’ll show you in this post step by step how to purge through all your clothes and declutter your closet. You’ll also be surprised that you can keep some clothes that don’t fit you right now!

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes - So Much Better With Age

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Decluttering your bedroom closet and purging your clothes has got to be one of the hardest jobs to do (purging the kitchen would be a close second).

I used to be so good with only keeping exactly the clothes that I wear and donate the clothes that I don’t but my weight has fluctuated for the last couple of years for the first time (thanks 40s!) and it has been so hard to know what to keep and what to toss. Have you had this same issue?

I was tired of always looking at my closet and always picking the same few items to wear so one evening when I was home alone, I decided to completely tackle it. I mean sometimes you can schedule these things and sometimes you just have to strike when the mood hits!

I’ve read Marie Kondo’s book: Then Life-Changing  Magic of Tidying Up and I knew that each item had to spark some joy in me in order to keep it. It was a good reference to keep in mind.

Step 1

Try on every one of your clothing items from your closet and dresser(s).

Trust me, I know how painful this is. Even clothes that I thought fit me, did not!

Step 2

Ask yourself the following questions once the item is on:

  1. Do you love it?
  2. Is it flattering and does it fit properly right now (not 10 lbs. lighter)?
  3. Would you wear it out tomorrow?

I found those 3 questions really helpful for me. Sometimes an item is cute, looks great on me but I’ve never worn it out! I don’t know why. There is no point in keeping items because you think you ‘should’ have them.

Step 3

Make a pile for donation.

Make a pile for alterations and cleaning.

Make a pile for items that you want to sell.

I don’t sell my clothing. I have a family that I donate everything to that makes me feel good about giving it away. I’ve tried selling my clothes through consignment years ago but the time it took to make appointments and collect the small amount of money each month just wasn’t worth it to me. If you have a family or a certain donation place that you love, feel good that it’s all going to a good cause!

How to Purge Your Clothes You Love But They Don’t Fit

This leads me into the next problem I encountered. The first three steps were easy peasy. But then I came across some cute dresses and expensive jeans that I knew I could fit into (without feeling completely sucked into them!) about 5-10 lbs. lighter than I am today. Because it’s not much of a difference and I want everything in my closet to be everything that I can fit in to today, I decided to allow myself ONE BIN for the items that I know I’d love to fit in again soon.

Make a promise to yourself that you’ll do everything you can to fit into these clothes so you’re not hoarding more clothes.

If you haven’t fit into them in 6 months to a year’s time, donate or sell.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/clothing bin - So Much Better With Age

Organize Your Closet

Now that you have everything sorted, let’s make sure your closet gets organized and not just put back wherever.

I had this closet organizer custom-made for my small walk-in closet when I first moved in so there is enough space for my shoes, my dresses, my cardigans and sweaters (I’m a bit obsessed), button-down shirts, tanks/camis and shirts.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/closet organization - So Much Better With Age

My dresser holds my bras, underwear, socks, PJs, loungewear, jeans and shorts.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/white bedroom and dresser - So Much Better With Age

For rarely used items like swimsuits, swimsuit cover-ups and lingerie, I added them to three plastic bins and put them on the top of the closet.

I have space for one extra set of sheets and keep my flip flops and sandals in a basket under my dresses.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/step by step closet organization - So Much Better With Age

Bathroom travel accessories go on the top shelf.

The very top has some purses and boots (I know the boots should not be bent like that but I’m fine with the worn/wrinkled look).

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/where everything goes in the closet - So Much Better With Age

At the very bottom I keep a box with pashminas in it. 

I have hooks behind the closet door for a few small bags and our robes.

A stool is necessary as I’m only 5’3″.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/stool in walk-in closet - So Much Better With Age

Did you notice something that was missing?

All of Aaron’s clothes are all in the antique armoire which was part of the reason why he completely sanded it down last summer (because the poor guy needed a place for his clothes!).

One side holds all his suits and the other side holds his button-down shirts with some bottom organizers for folded shirts, shorts and jeans. He even has space for a shoe caddy underneath his suits as that armoire is so huge!

The two bottom drawers are for his socks and underwear.

How to Declutter Your Closet and Purge Your Clothes/antique armoire - So Much Better With Age

With everything in its place, it makes us not buy too much and we know exactly what to wear each day knowing that it fits.

A decluttered closet reduces stress and it feels so good to go to sleep at night knowing that our bedroom is cozy and organized.

Make sure to pin it for later!

How to Purge Clothes and Declutter Your Closet

Click in Case You Missed:

Easy Necklace Organization

Kid’s Closet Organization with Dollar Store Bins

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  1. You’re right about it being difficult to tackle. You definitely have to be in the right frame of mind and have lots of time. It becomes an even bigger mess as you go through everything. I’ve decluttered every room, every cupboard & drawer in my house since the first of this year but my closet. Tomorrow!

  2. Hi Jamie, Such a serendipitous post, today. Our 36-year-old daughter has a fashion maven since she was 3 years old. Her career began as an interior designer and her creativity blossomed into a large and creative wardrobe. Now a married mother of 3, and a professor of Art at the local state university, her wardrobe needs changed dramatically, but her love of clothes stayed the same. She came over this afternoon, with a big smile on her face and said, “I went ‘all-out Maria Kondo’ on my closet!” I was shocked! She said she woke up this morning and got the “itch to pitch”. 🙂 I followed her out to her huge SUV and was stunned when she opened the back. She had bags and boxes of clothes, shoes, handbags and jewelry from the front passenger seat, filling the entire cargo space ceiling to floor! She smiled and said, “I feel so free and I’m now only using my walk-in closet and one small closet in the hall!” I told her I was happy for her newfound freedom and asked her if she would help me do mine. She hopped in her car and said she needed to drop her “chains of clothing” off at the shelter before she picked the boys up from school. I didn’t get an answer to my question…

    1. Wow, Judy! I read your comment immediately but haven’t had a chance to respond until now. Thank you for sharing! It’s comments like this that give me chills. That’s so cool that she did that! My sister was in fashion designer school like your daughter so I completely understand how important clothes and fabric etc. is. That’s a major step for her, good for her! It’s always so hard to purge and get rid of stuff. I never consider myself a hoarder but my basement was starting to look like it over the past year and I’ve been slowly selling and getting rid of stuff and it feels so good and feels so freeing!
      Thanks again for sharing.
      Hugs, Jamie

  3. Good post and i am working on my closet, have a few more things and i will be through, it looks so nice.

  4. I went back and read your post today about purging your closet, as I have been working in mine. I’m giving away lots of clothes that are too big after a recent 40 pound weight loss. I am 68 and I am 5’2” and 148 pounds. Believe me, it doesn’t get any easier to reach things as you get older….I used to be 5’3”!
    I had to laugh when I read about your stepstool in the closet. I went around and counted and I have seven little one-step stools in various rooms on the first floor of my house as well as one tall ladder that is temporarily in my walk-in closet and two step stools that are in other closets. Upstairs, in rooms that I seldom use, I stick to the little collapsible types of one-step stools that fold away easily.
    My grandchildren think that those little stools are very handy for helping them reach things they want to get into, but they’re really for Grammie!

    1. Wow, congratulations! What an accomplishment! I’m still purging through my house and it feels so good!
      I have step stools everywhere!! haha I’m glad I’m in good company 😉
      Hugs, Jamie

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