
How to Print Out Printables on Kraft Paper

This tutorial shows you the best way on how to print out printables on kraft paper.

Do you like printables? Maybe you’re asking, what’s a printable?

A printable is a blogging term we use to say ‘here’s a free download you can print off from your home computer’. I’m trying do more of them to share with you lovely readers of mine.

I recently did these spring flower printables on silver platters. You might remember my Valentine’s Day postcards too.

Instead of just printing them on regular paper, I wanted to print them on kraft paper but I just have rolls of the stuff as I’m sure you do too.

After trial and error I figured out the best way to print on kraft paper so let me show you how!

Printables on an ottoman.

It’s a bit scary to shove something through your printer knowing very well you could break the thing.

I tried different ways of getting kraft paper through my paper and went through a bunch of jams but this is the fool proof way I found.

At least with my home printer so I’m certain it will work for yours too.

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  • kraft paper roll
  • pen
  • straightedge or ruler
  • regular 8 1/2 x 11″ piece of paper
  • home printer


  1. First, take your roll of kraft paper and spread it out.
  2. Take a regular 8 1/2 x 11″ piece of paper and trace out the size onto the kraft paper. I used a piece of cardstock so it had more weight to it for tracing. Make sure that you line up the paper to trace with the roll (of the extra kraft paper) on the long side of the white piece of paper. In other words, trace the paper vertically, not horizontally. You’ll see why in the next step.
Paper, scissors, and pen on a piece of large paper.

3. This is the most important step. There is a front and back side to the kraft paper. Make sure the BACK side is facing UP in your printer tray and make sure the sides are rolling IN. If the sides that are rolling towards the middle are the top and bottom of the kraft piece of paper, it will jam your printer. So when you feed it into your printer tray, it should be as the photo below. Make sure there is plenty of regular copy paper underneath so the kraft paper squeezes flat once closed.

Note:  I did try to manually feed a piece of kraft paper into the printer but it didn’t work that way. It works best when put in the actual paper tray.

Printer with kraft paper in it.

4. Print off one page at a time and that’s it! You will now have beautiful printables on kraft paper.

Floral designs on kraft paper.

When I did my spring flowers on silver platters post last week, I really wanted them to be printed on kraft paper but they didn’t really go that well with the overall decor of the room.

Floral designs framed on wall above sofa.

So that’s why I printed them on white card stock after.

But I thought this was a great mistake in showing you how you can print anything on kraft paper.

Antique frames with floral designs.
Branches in antique trays on wall.

Here is the post on the beautiful spring flowers printable. Just click the flower image to take you to the post. 

Spring flower printables.

Click in Case You Missed:

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French Vintage Spring Tour

Glass Easter Jars with Bunny Ears

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How to Print Printables on Kraft Paper - So Much Better With Age




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  1. Backtracking to say how much I love your drying rack w/florals! It’s SO awesome that I want to go grab mine out of storage just to copy your idea. My rack is an actual light fixture, so I’ll need to hide the wiring … maybe putting some larger flowers (hydrangeas?) at the spot the wiring needs to be will work … ?!?
    Also, these floral printables are great, too! Thanks for always sharing so many “yummy” things ~ and the how-to’s of course!

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      Yes! I think that would work even if it had wiring. You could stuff the wiring down or maybe wrap it around some of the metal and then put flowers over top and yes, large flowers like hydrangeas at the top would work like a charm.
      Thanks so much for your comment!
      Hugs, Jamie

  2. Thanks so much for this!! I just bought a big roll of craft paper in the hopes of making envelopes for my little watercolor and sketched cards instead of just giving them the card to give away 🙂 but I was hoping to make the envelopes a bit special too, but didn’t think I’d want to have to custom draw in each one so if I draw a few special things I wanted to print them on the craft paper but wasn’t sure if I could…..so you’re a lifesaver!! Especially because in my head, when you said to trace and cut out the sheets I saw it the way you said NOT to cut it, so I’m SO glad it read it but even more because you had a picture of it!! Seems my brain needs to see thing’s along with the written 🙂
    Thanks so much!!!

    1. Hi Jade,
      I’m sorry it’s taken me SO long to get back to you! Thank you for taking the time out to leave a beautiful message. I’m so happy to know that this post is helping people! I loooove kraft paper.
      Hugs, Jamie

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